Mark Allen Klenk

writer, artist, speaker - creating in English & in German

photo credits: (l) Andrei Friedmann (m) Walter Pobaschnig (r) Didi Prantner

Artist’s Statement (DE):

Der Sinn der Sache ist die Sache des Sinnes. Egal ob Lyrik, Theaterstücke, Romane, Essays oder Seminare – seine Texte haben Wirkkraft. Schonungslose Perspektivenwechsel, harte Themen und kreative Handlungsabläufe gehören zum Portfolio. Die Welt hat genug Nullachtfünfzehn-Texte. Die Latte liegt bei ihm höher – Lesende haben das verdient!

Mark Allen Klenk (USA/Österreich) geb. in den Vereinigten Staaten, lebt seit 1998 in Österreich. Er schreibt auf Englisch und auf Deutsch. Zusätzlich zu seinen Mitgliedschaften bei Podium, IG Autorinnen Autoren Österreich, P.E.N.-Club Austria, Writers at Risk, Institut für Jugendliteratur und IG Kultur Wien ist er als Schriftsteller, Motivationsredner, literarischer Übersetzer und Visual Artist tätig. Seine Moderation auf der Bühne und seine modernen Lesungen sind sehr gefragt.

Artist’s Statement (EN):

The meaning of the point is the point of the meaning. Whether poetry, theater, novels, essays or seminars - his texts have impact. Relentless changes of perspective, hard topics and creative plots are part of his portfolio. The world has enough vanilla texts. Mark's crossbar is set higher - readers deserve that!

Mark Allen Klenk (USA/Austria) born in the United States, has lived in Austria since 1998. He creates in English and in German. In addition to his memberships with Podium, IG Autorinnen Autoren Österreich, P.E.N.-Club Austria, Writers at Risk, Institut für Jugendliteratur, and IG Kultur Wien, he is a writer, a motivational speaker, a literary translator, and a visual artist. His moderation on stage and his modern readings are in great demand.

Events, Portfolio & Books:

(external links - click the pictures)
   Theater      Poetry & Spoken Word      Music      Translations      Creative Arts/Writing Seminars
   Moderation      Motivational Speaker      Mental Health Seminars (for artists, private and B2B)
   Human Rights      NGO "Words and Deeds"      Chair of Writers at Risk Austria (PEN Club Austria)
1 Poem. 50 Voices. Order via "kul-ja! publishing" Oh, Das Bin Ja Ich - Erzählungen über Sinn und Leben

German anthologies. Order via "P.E.N.-Club Austria" English/German Poems of the Breaking Point...
click to download free or order via e-mail by me.

ORF II Barbara Karlich Show
: I'm the first to get interviewed, but at minute 12:45 my book Kite gets to be quoted.

Reading my poetry at Belvedere Museum in Vienna: Link 1 & Link 2

A lyrical jazz improv evening with amazing musicians to back me up! Link 1 & Link 2

My script for the stage play "Dunkel ins Licht" with professional musicians and opera singers Link

Take a look at some of my articles and book reviews at Chytomo

Take time to view my speaker profile at SpeakerHub

Celebrate with me my first art exhibit at the Vienna Art Markt.

German podcast from bezirkspodcast.at courtesy of Dr. Netsch.

The Highlights (& where to find me):

(external links)
   Facebook      LinkedIn       Medium       SpeakerHub    My NGO (Words & Deeds)  

Let's collaborate!

Vienna, Austria

Email: markklenk@markklenk.com

Looking for Kulturverein WORTE und TATEN? Click here.

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